You have great ideas. Now you need to communicate those ideas with powerful words. Well-chosen words can tell a story and command an audience. David Varnes will help.
Candidates seeking elected office need competent, sensitive speechwriters. Speechwriters understand a diverse electorate. You need the right words and stories all the time, every time. Well-crafted words and stories win elections.
David is an excellent storyteller, a exceptional writer, and an accomplished public speaker. He crafts those electrifying phrases that gets an audience out of its chairs and paying attention.
David brings time-management deadline skills from the airline industry perfected to the second, and secretary-treasurer budgetary competency accountable to the penny, to your ideas. With an ability to conceptualize and synthesize tasks quickly, David can take your ideas from a complex task to achievable component parts. Creating accurate time-lines and costing ensures a viable plan of action. Sound planning will propel your vision from idea to reality. Your reality will become effective communication with your audience.
David's work can be found on the following platforms:
A Linked-In biography under David J. Varnes
Newsletter writing - The Snagsheet - aviation history and comments archived since April 2007 - www.iam764.ca/snag-sheets/
Social media platforms Facebook, with extensive contributions to the group "You Grew up in Richmond if You Remember..." [history of Lulu Island], Twitter @Bro_Varnes, and Instagram postings at "davidjamesvarnes".
Years of writing and public speaking experience have made David a notable wordsmith, armed with a wealth of experience and a passion for prose. Your great ideas deserve his ringing phrases at your service.
Interested? Contact dvarnes@shaw.ca
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